by Today’s Trucking
May 29, 2020
TORONTO, Ont. – The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has further extended the validation period for a series of licences, vehicle plates, and other products until at least July 1 – and other extensions may still come because of Covid-19 disruptions.
The announcement applies to the following documents that would have expired on or after March 1:
Ontario commercial drivers’ licences;
International Registration Plan (IRP) Cab Cards;
Ontario licence plate validation stickers;
Online purchase receipts of validation stickers;
Ontario Commercial Vehicle Operator Registration (CVOR) certificates;
Annual and semi-annual inspections. (Photo: iStock)
“The United States Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has granted recognition of expired commercial licences issued by Canadian provinces, including extension of the validity date of medical examinations, certification and/or validity of the corresponding commercial driver’s licences,” adds Nosa Ero-Brown, assistant deputy minister for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Road User Safety Division.
Truck drivers are being encouraged to carry copies of the related proof of validity extension letter, in an electronic form or as a hard copy.
“The date on the letter will be updated, as needed, until the regulations extending the validation period are revoked,” says Virginia McKimm, director – program development and evaluation branch. “At this time, it is unknown when the regulations will be revoked.”
The effective date for mandatory electronic emission tests for heavy-duty vehicles has also been pushed from July 1 to Oct. 1. But new and un-plated vehicles still require a visit to ServiceOntario for registration and plating.
Details about deadlines applied by other jurisdictions are available at