As we all find ourselves in uncharted territory with the COVID-19 pandemic, data is as critical as ever to making smart decisions. Even more important is data in context, which is why BluJay will provide our Freight Market Index (FMI) for free over the next 90 days.
In less than two weeks, our April 2020 Freight Market Index report will show America’s earliest transportation market data points reflecting the impact of COVID-19, across the industry’s most robust range of rate, performance, and service KPIs. We will provide this special edition of the April FMI with analyst commentary, along with the May FMI issue, for free to you, our BluJay community of customers and carriers. Subscribe here now to receive the next few special editions for free, no strings attached.
How does this help? Stacked up against your own KPIs, the FMI provides visibility to network trends during these unprecedented times. BluJay’s FMI report includes insight into transport KPIs such as market rates across the U.S. and key operating metrics like tender acceptance, routing guide compliance, on-time performance and more. When every detail matters, data context is crucial to decision-making.
To acclimate you in the meantime to the report coming soon, we are providing a complimentary copy of the current issue, the March 2020 Freight Market Index. The KPIs and quartiles in the FMI represent more than $18B of annualized freight moving through BluJay’s transportation network (about 1 in every 50 domestic trucks on the road). It’s a powerful dataset. Watch the video below, with tips on how to digest the report and use it to guide decisions and conversations. To receive the FMI for free over the next 90 days, subscribe here now.
Please reach out to your BluJay contact with any questions.
*To subscribe, simply complete a short form with your name, email, and company information. There is no credit card number required during this time, as BluJay provides the data to help navigate this unprecedented market.